Tuesday, October 12, 2010

senile dementia - i'm going crazy

perhaps "Good Morning Singapore" could do an issue on senile dementia: what it is, the different forms of it, how is it caused, stemmed from physical to emotional causes (eg brain cells degeneration, clinging too much on childhood memories, untreated emotional issues), from mild to severe level how to deal with it (memory loss: write down everything, untreated emotional issues: go take a walk, go for counselling) but don't keep emphasising on "caregivers should this n that" - make it a serious issue as it is as serious as cancer. So far it's still on a 'lightly-taken' level

i'm really going mad with an untreated senile dementia person who always says, "I'm not senile!" and disturbs me everyday with noise, talking to self, too many unnecessary movements, makes a mess of the house but still has the capacity to receive information from watching TV all the time - and doesn't keep the clothes when it's raining

please give us - the affected family members - a chance to live and not live in mental torture from another family member who stubbornly refuses to accept medical/counselling treatment and wrecking havoc in the house and to our physical, emotional and mental state

i'm begging to all parties concerned to help alleviate my insanity as a member of a family affected by an untreated senile dementia member of the family who stubbornly refuses treatment by really enforcing the issue of senile dementia on TV, in newspapers, in all languages here in Singapore - let them be aware of it, and let them have enough medical expenses to consult and be treated for a lifetime

being a long-term illness the seriousness of senile dementia equivalates to cancer - it is that serious

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