Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I DIG POPULAR AT CLEMENTI MALL!!! went there once, wanna go there again!!

now all we r waiting is the bus interchange..

Thursday, April 21, 2011

argh, Clementi Mall ya

Popular takes sooooo long to be completed - it's so ironic that Best Denki which is not an "urgent consumer need" is completed before Popular. And sadly Best Denki after completion so dismal setting - on a budget or what?!

And is Baskin Robbins ever gonna come cos the space is still empty! Please uncement the floor and remove the barricades if not coming and give us a smooth walking-traffic

and hallo, waiting for December is it, the Community Library?

Singapore's a tropical country of monsoon rain so please get the sheltered bus interchange done. i can't imagine how many kids, great-grandparents, grandparents and people with low immunity are flu-stricken because some idiot decided to take off the walkway shelter near the pedestrain crossing before the bus interchange is completed

and goodness, please have a right turn at the T-junction between Clementi Ave 4 and 3 for motorists. Yes, we do appreciate public transport being Mercedes Benz but not the poorly-and-dangerously-designed Eco Friendly and so-called flat level buses BUT the traffic light flow at the bus interchange is wrongly timed, and buses will be coming out , causing a huge jam for
motorists and buses from Clementi Ave 3 turning left to Jurong East and going straight to Clementi Ave 4

we r not stupid u noe