Thursday, October 20, 2011

wat's with the interchange?

Clementi new bus interchange
first they say June complete, den say July, den say September, den say December?!
stop taking advantage of us residents!

wah biang again

i saw the trailer for the next Ch8 9pm drama n laughed in disappointment. Please lah, stop imitating New Heart, do u think we're born yesterday? And wat's the dance studio about? How many rip-offs can we count?

The only drama series i'll applaud is "Love Thy Neighbour". Absolute local, totally unbashed n in-ur-face. Go along this flow, please

Don't do beyond wat you cannot do bcos we haven't really reached the standard - we're far from it. You want good standard acting take from Chen Shuchen, Zhu Houren or ex-actor Xie Shaoguang. Learn from these three, you'll be on the right path